Foundation Friends of Hannes Schneider
Stuben am Arlberg
Stuben 17
6762 Stuben am Arlberg, Austria
opening times
The Foundation Friends of Hannes Schneider is an organisation which at present has no premises of its own.
It does, however, organise themed events.
Since its founding, the Foundation has dealt mainly with winter sports around Stuben am Arlberg, and issued several publications on a number of different themes. Among these is the “Editionen Skispuren” (Ski Trails) by Christof Thöny containing anecdotes about Georg Eisenschimmel and Stuben parish church; the history of Hannes Schneider’s parental home, the Fuchsloch in Stuben, and how a special guitar was made out of its demolition timber; and an illustrated book about the photographer and ski pioneer Eugen Heimhuber, who had accompanied Viktor Sohm on many ski tours and virgin winter climbs. A commemorative exhibition and documentary were held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Albona railway.
The aforementioned themes were also publicised in the form of an open-air exhibition in Stuben, with short accompanying descriptions in German and English.
The life story of the Bregenz ski pioneer Viktor Sohm is currently in progress.
The society, whose activities are non profit-making, has the following aims:
- Documentation of and research into the life works of Hannes Schneider and his background
- Promotion of scientific research into the history of winter sports
- Propagation of information on the history of winter sports, past and present
- Issuing publications
- Nurturing exchange and sociability
Become a member of the Foundation Friends of Hannes Schneider
Information in german Information in English
Picture Gallery
Hannes Schneider from stuben am Arlberg
Told in his own words, in 1900 the young Johann Schneider saw the first skiers in Stuben: Viktor Sohm, Max Madlener and Karl Gruber. His meeting with Viktor Sohm would later have far-reaching consequences.